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Our First Award and the Nominees!

Bloggers Recognition Award


Hello Hellooo…!!!

We received our first award and it feels so great to know that we’ve been recognized for what we do! It’s a beautiful surprise and it really made our day even more amazing.

We are very grateful to Maninder Kaur, from My foot prints around the Globe, for nominating us and entitling us to nominate 15 other bloggers. Thank you again!  Maninder was bitten by the traveliquito bug, her own words, and now you can join her in her journey as she shows you how you can turn your dream of traveling into a reality, as she leaves her footprints around the globe. Follow her and enjoy the journey along with her!

What exactly is the Blogger Recognition Award?

The Blogger Recognition Award is an award given to bloggers by fellow bloggers recognizing them on their love and labor they have put in to their blog. It also connects us to the many readers out there and is a big motivation ! The recipient shares their blogging background and 2 pieces of advise for newcomers, thanks the person who awarded it to them,  and nominates other well deserving bloggers out there!

How and why we started blogging?

In 2014, we first started off with this blog so we could have a platform with recent information, that we wanted our readers to be able to access before hand, instead of waiting 3 months to read about it in our magazine. Now the blog has grown to not only “report” recent news in Suriname, our country, but also news from abroad, traveling experiences, reviews, recipes and more.

My two pieces of advice to brand new bloggers

  1. Write about something you love or are passionate about. Enjoy each post you write, and if you don’t… do not publish it yet.
  2. Be committed and always be yourself. When you start your blog, create content before you go public. That’s one thing we didn’t do at first and sometimes still “struggle” with. Commit yourself to a schedule, start writing and try to at least publish once a month.

Drum-rolls please… and here are my Nominees

This was the hardest part about this post! It took us a little more than a week to go through all the eligible blogs and it was really difficult to choose from. There is so much great talent out there! We went through all the blogs and even got to learn new things, recognized different languages and got to love and follow some of them because of the purity in their blogs.

Here are my 15 nominees:

  1. Marieke –
  2. Amy –
  3. Zarissa –
  4. Denise –
  5. Akilah –
  6. Hannah –
  8. Mariam –
  9. Sara –
  10. Fiona –
  11. Jagriti –
  12. Monika –
  13. Krizia –
  14. Chloe –
  15. Emmanuel – 

Now that you are nominated, here are the rules… 🙂

  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and leave a link to their blog.
  • Give a brief story of how and why you started blogging.
  • Give two pieces of advice you would give to brand new bloggers.
  • Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  • Comment on each blog letting them know you have nominated them giving the link to the post you have created.


Nominees, please pass on the award to 15 other deserving bloggers! And of course Congratulations! You are all doing an amazing job!

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