JJ’s foodie journey – March 2019

Every month a journey… A food journey! That’s what it’s all about. I am late! OMG I am late.

Have you ever noticed that sometimes you don’t even notice how time flies? You’re thinking: “I’m going to publish my post at the beginning of each month” and by the time you look at your calendar, it is the middle of the next month already and you are MORE THAN LATE! Lol… What to do? Nothing, just finish writing the post and hope my readers still enjoy the moments I share with them.

Here’s my foodie journey 🙂

March 1

On this beautiful day, the people on the picture celebrated their birthdays. It wasn’t their birthday THAT day tho, but each of them has a birthday in March. The young lady in blue was on vacation and they didn’t want to miss it.  The Birthday cake! It’s their birthday month!

March 2

The birthday breakfast!

My dude’s next door neighbor’s birthday soup! Peanut soup, something we love! Early lunch…

My late lunch! Tomato Sardine with white rice…. yum!

March 3

Chinese breakfast on Sunday morning has become one of the tradition to most of us here in Suriname. On this day, I didn’t only order the standard shrimp, meatballs, and dumplings… but I ordered the beef soup with mifoen noodles. Very tasty you can say. A super pick me up after a night out, or just whenever you want it. Add some pepper and soy sauce, Perfectamente!

March 6

When your dude wasn’t able to cook, but still wants his lady to enjoy a good meal… food is delivered. And Okra soup was on the menu.


March 7

I had a little time to cook! My version of beef stew… very soft, almost melting in your mouth. Wanna taste? lol… sorry I’ve got no clue what I put in it, it probably won’t be the same. #notachef #justenjoyingmyfoods

March 8

Snack time at the office. Fried plantain/banana – ripe 🙂 

March 9

Spicy Alfredo Beef Pasta… you can see how spicy it is by looking at those adorable red spots/flakes on the pasta itself. lol, It was good tho, a little spicier than I imagined it would be, but good.

March 12

My dude it the best! I was so hungry, at almost everything and then I made a picture. sorry… Just a simple BB w/ R (brown bean with rice).

March 13

Beef stew and spinach. I remember posting this picture thinking… this looks a little like tomato sardines. hihihi… guess what? a few days later my hairdresser tells me, OMG Jill… your tomato sardines looked sooo amazingly delicious, I actually prepared it that day too!!!  I guess my beef was a bit tooo red. 😀

March 14

Sushi Date with Janine & Monica

March 18

Homemade chicken and kasoi (I think its that vegetable… I always confuse it with another)

Homemade “krabbetjes” with beans. “Krabbetjes” are actually spare ribs but in small pieces. I marinated them with 5 spices and jerk seasoning! Very surprising out come. loved it.

March 20

He said: “this was a quick meal”. What do you think? Does it look like a quick meal? Nah! 


March 21

There is always time for a moment of enjoyment. It was Phagwa, and the little dude and I went to the Lustig Phagwa Festival. All painted and colored… we were hungry and ordered McDonald’s… they delivered right there at the event! Amazing right… Go have fun and still enjoy a McD Meal!

March 22

Lunch at the office by my dude… Antroewa and chicken.

And then I cooked at home… Brussels sprouts, potatoes, and minced meat.

March 23

More homemade meals coming up… spoiled ain’t I? 😉


March 25


March 26

Konrad’s birthday! My uncle celebrated his birthday at Padre Nostro with his friends and family. Below are some pictures… and a video of me eating from serving plate. It looks like that’s my plate, but mind you… it is not.

Again I’m asking you to like, share, comment on my foodie journey. I’ve learned to love doing this, sharing my journeys with you, as long as you like it too. So… Leave a short message. Tell me what you think. 

You can also send me suggestions on where to go or what to eat. I’d love to do so… what is your favorite and why? Would I like it too?

Well, that’s it for JJ’s Foodie Journey – March 2019! I do hope you liked it again. Till next months’ (April) foodie journey.

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