JJ’s foodie Journey – January 2019

It’s a new year and it looks like it’s going to be a beautiful one. Wishing all my readers the very best in 2019.

My year started out great. As you’ve read already in some of my posts, I have a boyfriend/dude/mister 😉. I’ve been a bit discreet about it, as of course, it is my private life. But… this month he did what we women usually do, cook for your partner. They say in Dutch “Liefde gaat door de maag” (love goes through your stomach – literally translated – but this sentence is mostly used for men. In my case, I’m the “guy”.

My dude cooked for me almost every day! I did cook sometimes, but during the work week, he did the cooking. JJ’s January foodie journey has most of his meals… I didn’t take pictures of everything tho.

January 1

Brunch with my mom & partner at Ramada Rooftop! This a buffet styled brunch, with different stations and different foods. I’m sorry to say I was too hungry to take pictures, so the only thing I took a picture of was the flan. Why? Because I love flan, and my tummy was happy and silent because I fed it… lol

Later that day I fed myself some fried camembert (I brought this with me from the Netherlands) and smoked salmon on Wasa crackers.

January 2

Lunch with my colleague at her home, on our free day. Chinese breakfast in boxes lol. I again forgot to take a picture of the food, but I did take one of the boxes! hahaha

Do you know when you get to call friends family? Well, when you know them since kindergarten and they never left your side, through thick and thin. So we gather together every once in a while and eat, drink & party! I even got a red lip kiss on my cheeks from one of them. 🙂 

A family that knows how to cook a wonderful, delicious and mean massala! 

January 4

This is the day he started cooking “for me”. A simple Chicken soup, with chicken sausages and pasta. Yum! It was a “get better soon” soup. He wasn’t feeling well, and I was extremely tired that day. So he actually made the soup for himself and his son to get better, and I enjoyed it too. 😀

January 5

Enjoy a little Eggnog!

January 8

Carol and I don’t often see each other. Well, she doesn’t live in Suriname anymore, but when she’s here or when I’m in her country, we try to get together at least once. This time I  brought her to JiJi’s restaurant. One of my favorites!  The food is good, and the ambiance is amazing, watching over the river and seeing our bridge from afar.

Appetizer: JiJi’s Vidée
Airy stuffed puff pastry with chicken ragout

Main dish: Trio Deluxe
A combination of lamb chops, prawns and chicken fillet served with a creamy cheese sauce and wedges.

Dessert: Tiramisu Icecream Cake

January 13

His next treat! Shrimp and eggs in massala with white rice! Can you say #YUMYUMDINGES?!?!


My lunch… 🤤🤤🤤
Homemade… 😍 not by me tho.

January 14

Lunchtime at the office was never this exciting! A simple meal can mean so much when it’s brought to you by the one you adore. And if he cooks it himself too, it’s a major plus!!! Chicken and spinach on the menu.


Today I had this for lunch… 🤤🤤🤤

Homemade… 😍 not by me tho.
#imnotsharing #njankba

Just finishing the eggnog… don’t mind me – it was 17:27h already… no biggie. 😀

January 17

Meatballs and spinach! Can I get another HELLUR from you?! 

January 17

Hello, world! Sporting my #TeamSoca shirt by Passport Caribbean Clothing.

January 22

Snack time! Chick ‘n Cheese by McDonald’s…

Ending the day with a little booze! My Mount Gay XO Rum is finished, anyone gonna send me a bottle 🙂 I love presents.

January 23

Daphne and I have been saying we really need to get together and have a drink or a meal. After 3 months!!! we finally got a chance to meet up. We were eager to try this new restaurant called Kushiyaki SU. 

Oysters! I love them! I know, not a lot of you would try this, but it is soooo good. If we didn’t plan to order other dishes, I could have easily just ordered only oysters and stuff my belly with them. YUMYUM!

Zucchini and Gamba on a stick. In the back: Baby Potatoes.

Baby Potatoes

Ocra and Fried Chicken Skin.

Spinach salad with shrimp!

Scallops! I’m drooling again while writing and looking back at these pictures… I think I need to go back to this restaurant, maybe vlog about it… what do you think?

Wok to go (beef)

January 24

Me looking happy and content after the meal I consumed the night before. 

January 24


Picanha! by @claygomperts (Tapsei Noord)

#yumyumdinges #foodie

January 27

Sunday lunch with great and loving people at Warung Resa.


The famous Javanese rijsttafel (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈrɛisttaːfəl]), a Dutch word that literally translates to “rice table”. It has 

January 28

Everyone needs a moment to relax and enjoy the moment. It is important in life to do so.

January 29

Raw Organic cooking Class · Hosted by Meals By Peggy

January 31

Happy kid 🧒 — eating lunch at Creative Communications & Marketing NV.

Bitter melon, eggplant and salted meat with beef and rice! Yummy!

Again I’m asking you to like, share, comment on my foodie journey. I’ve learned to love doing this, sharing my journeys with you, as long as you like it too. So… Leave a short message. Tell me what you think. 

You can also send me suggestions on where to go or what to eat. I’d love to do so… what is your favorite and why? Would I like it too?

Well, that’s it for JJ’s Foodie Journey – January 2019! I do hope you liked it again. Till next months (February) foodie journey.

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2 Responses

  1. So nice Jill! Ik vind het super cool dat je dit doet en je schrijfwijze is leuk, lekker vlot, ik kan me makkelijk je ervaring inbeelden. Thanks for sharing your journey. And may you keep enjoying all your meals …especially the love made ones 😉❤️. Xxxjes

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