As a young girl, I never really had problems with my weight. I was born weighing 2430 grams and I was at my chubbiest at age 2, weighing about 12 kg. From a very young age, I developed a love for food. My mother could not enjoy a meal, without me grabbing her food to eat it myself. Hence the reason I gained so much weight at age two.
I think, looking back, I’ve always loved food and will never stop loving it. But now I do have to watch what I eat and how much!
Since I started with Victuals in 2012, I’ve become more aware of the foods I eat. Still loving the fact that I could eat almost anything and not gain a pound, I started eating more and exercising less. Of course, not unexpectedly, I gained not a few… but a lot of pounds! I thought I ate as healthily as ever, but I realized that eating on an irregular basis is absolutely wrong and unhealthy. I was so busy working and not checking what and when I ate, I gained about 8 to 10 kg within a year! Wonderful, right?
In 2013, I started with the Cambridge diet and lost the weight I gained over the year in a very short amount of time. Not only that, but I was smart too. I went to the gym twice a week, had the Cambridge 500 diet and lost 8 kg within a month! Nice!
Cambridge was a fast, simple and expensive solution to my “problem”. My every day plan was: 2,5L water, as many cups of coffee as I wanted (black, no sugar, splendid were allowed), tea, flavored water (flavors from Cambridge) and 3 shakes in two different flavors. Nothing else, just that… One month was all it took for me to lose that weight! I loved it! Thinking about those days I was beautifully thin and I felt good!
I must say that it wasn’t bad; it was only the wrong solution. Starting with this diet was absolutely wonderful, but just losing so much within a month that was wrong.
I kept at it steadily for about a year and then I started gaining weight again, because I started working harder and really was not paying any attention at all to weight control… so what happens if you do not pay attention to yourself? Yes, you EAT! Ha! And now it’s back to square one… I need to start over. Will I go back to the Cambridge diet or should I try something else? A question I ask myself…
Guess what? I’ll just eat while I think about what to do… I just won’t over eat. Does that make any sense?