Our Second Award: The Liebster Award 2017

We’ve been nominated for our second award!

First of all, we would like to thank Dawnmarie from Enjoying The Days for nominating our blog for this loving award. This is a beautiful way of making our efforts feel special. We can only hope that our audience loves us even more, now that we have 2 awards in our name.

Original Liebster Award Image circa. 2011
Original Liebster Award Image circa. 2011

What is the Liebster Award 2017?

The Liebster Award 2017 is an award that exists only on the internet and is given to bloggers by other bloggers. The earliest case of the award goes as far back as 2011. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome❣️

The award is a way to be discovered, but also to connect and support the blogging community. A great idea in promoting your own blog and others. Originally it was given out to blogs with less than 2000 readers but this has slowly lowed as the reward has gained popularity. It is now only 200 readers or less.

Since this post is here on our blog, you might want to know more about our founder, Jill-Joy Landburg. Dawnmarie has asked to answer ten specific questions, so here they are!

Questions & Answers

  1. What is your favorite topic about which to blog and why? My favorite topic is about my culinary experiences. I’ve formed a love for the culinary world since I’ve had the opportunity to travel with my mother and encountered different food cultures.
  2. What is a tip that you would give to other bloggers? Try to write up enough content before you start your blog. You’ll be able to schedule them and keep your blog up to date.
  3. Share a joyful sentence. Keep smiling ☺️
  4. Give yourself kudos.  What is something about which you are proud? I’m proud of my accomplishments. Starting a magazine at age 30, starting a blog and being an executive director at a marketing and advertising agency.
  5. What activity would you like to try for the first time? I’d like to go bungee jumping #daredevil
  6. Where is somewhere you have never been and would like to visit? Dubai, Tokyo and Hong Kong.
  7. What are three words that people would use to describe you? Intelligent, boss-lady, beautiful 😳
  8. Do you believe in regret?  Why? I don’t believe in regret because I think everything happens for a reason no matter how bad it is. Learn from it and get over it…😏
  9. What color is blue? Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It also symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body. In my country blue is also the color of protection. I always have something blue with me. 🔷
  10. For what are you most grateful?  Why? I’m most grateful for having my mother and brother. They are my backbone. I’m grateful for being their daughter and sister. 💞


the nominees

Our list of nominees:

  1. Zara Meekins from The Carefree Couple – this blog is about the best travel stories of Charlie & Zara.
  2. Deborah Leader from Vegan Vigilante Blog – a blog inspired by her love for cooking and vegan food.
  3. Thu Trinh from the Dancing Peacock Diaries – a look into her daily life.
  4. Kaitlyn Sanders from The Ordinary Home – a blog about her helping other crazy, scatter-brained, and very sleepy mommies grow their families.
  5. Britney Davis from Lady & the Dachshund – She blogs about cooking, health, beauty, traveling, and learning more DIY projects.
  6. Sara Pavlović from Malinčica – a collection of different recipes of desserts and much much more. (We have nominated Sara before when we received Our First Award! Love her blog & Free Spirit)
  7. Sharon Brand from Brand Travels – a blog her way of expressing herself through traveling.
  8. Kimberly Leupo from Girl lost in the world – her travels to 125 countries and territories!
  9. Mimi from Mimi’s Life and Food – This is a lifestyle blog about food, parenting, family, and product reviews.

Here is what to do when you get nominated for a Liebster award.

Our questions to you!

Now that you are nominated… here are our questions to you, which should be answered in your blog post.

  1. Given the choice of anyone in the world whom would you want as a breakfast/lunch/dinner guest and why?
  2. Onions or Shallots?
  3. Give a tip for other bloggers or potential blog starters:
  4. What is your favorite dish?
  5. Which recipe do you think is the most difficult to make and have you tried it? (add a picture)
  6. If you can take someone with you in your travels, who would it be?
  7. Give a travel tip for Foodie travelers:
  8. What is the best restaurant to visit in your city/country? (one restaurant only)
  9. Do you think fine dining is too expensive?
  10. Whole Foods or any kind of food?
  11. Have you ever visited a restaurant just because you saw it in a book/magazine/online/serie/movie? What was that place?

Lastly, let us know when your post is published. We would love to read your answers to our questions.



Fun to know:

Liebster translated into Dutch (our native tongue) & Sranan (our street language – the Surinamese Language):

  • Dutch: liefste, mooiste, geliefde, heerlijk, aardig, aangenaam, gewaardeerd, schattig, liefdevol
  • Sranan: Moro moy wan, moro lobi wan, lobiwan, switi , switi maniri, switi, kisi lespeki, nanga furu lobi

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3 Responses

  1. Goodness I didn’t even know I was nominated back in 2017. I was just scrolling the web. I’m so sorry.

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