Bi-weekly column [in SHAPE fitness & more]: how to find a gym orsportscentre that fits you

In our first blog we spoke about the first step to success. Now it’s time to go for it. But where? How do you know that the gym on the corner is a good one? How can you recognize a good gym? And what should you be looking for? Here’s a checklist to help you consider when hunting for a gym that fits you best. But first, did you shift your mind? Are you 100% sure you want to start this journey? If you’re absolutely sure, this will prevent you of becoming a contributor. 

□ If it sounds too good to be true, it is.
If they promise you things that make you think “this is too good to be true and not right” it probably is. If your goal is losing weight, you have to know that it takes time. You didn’t gain the weight in a short amount of time, so losing it is going to take maybe twice as long. We going to talk about this some more in one of our other blogs. 

□  Knowledgeable staff
One of the most important things is that the staff has the knowledge to help you accomplish your goals. And we’re not talking about what knowledge they have gained during their own trainingwe are talking about them knowing how the human body works, and the processes that take place during training and what kind of training they should put together to help you achieve you personal goal. 

□ You need to feel at home
When you enter a gym, you need to have a safe and nice feel. If you don’t feel comfortable in the first place, I will not change. 

□ Find the training that fits you
It’s very important that you do something that you like. Find a training that fits you. It’s so much easier to leave the house and go exercise. 

□ Hygiene
Where you work out there is sweat! And you don’t want to lay in someone else’s sweat. So check if the area is clean, if they have sanitizers and ask if they clean the machines, mats or equipment. 

□ Knowledge is power
Make sure you know a thing or two about exercising, so you know what they are talking about but be careful where you get your information from. Not everything on the internet is true. And don’t just read one article, read several and compare.  

□ Try before you buy
First do a trial training or trial class before you join a gym. Better, do this at several gym’s until you find the one you like. It will cost you some money, but it will be worth it. 

In our next blog we’re going to talk about different types of training.

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