Category: News

Will you marry me? Yes, I will!

Will you marry me? Yes, I will!

Great! Now I got your attention. lol

There is magic in that moment and the mind immediately wanders to a magical isle and, seemingly out of nowhere, appear visions of a ceremony in an intimate setting, surrounded by loved ones and in an ambiance created just for you. Voila, you are in Curaçao.

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Evening out: Taste of Burma 🇲🇲

On the last day of the month May, I had the Taste of Burma on my mind. Gathered a couple of girls, the group was growing and 6 confirmed of the 11 asked. Eventually, due to circumstances, 2 had to cancel at the last minute. 😔 They did miss out!

I wanted to share our well spend evening at Azteca’s Exotic Foods with you. Hope you enjoy the read, as much as we did the food. Imagine the taste if possible 😉.

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